Quarantining with Captain Chris @ Aqua Adventure Tours - April 2020

So the middle of a coronavirus outbreak might not be the greatest time ever to start a new blog. Like lots of other family-run small businesses, Aqua Adventure Tours has been shut down since mid-March. With no boat tours to run, there’s not much more maintenance, repair and cleaning work that needs to be done onboard. Vinyl is clean, stainless shiny, aluminum waxed and tubes are polished. DEFINITELY looking forward to resuming tours and charters once the coast is clear!

When I found myself watching another time-lapse Facebook video showing how to make gorgeous table tops from scraps of hardwood pallets, a half-gallon of epoxy and about 16 pounds of metallic glitter - I knew I needed to find a better use for my time. With help from our friend Neal Steeno - freelance branding pro, web designer, filmmaker, improv actor and all around good guy - “The Captain’s Log” has gone live!

By the way, you can check out Neal at lookupneal.com and @midwesterngentleman.

Now I’ll freely admit that I don’t know jack about blogging. I’ve heard authenticity is a big key to getting people engaged and following along though. Since we tend to be pretty genuine people here at Aqua Adventure Tours, I’m hoping we can nail that authenticity thing pretty quickly. And while we’ll always try to post interesting stuff, we’ll also try hard to keep things down-to-earth.

Look for posts on outdoor adventures, exploring The Palm Beaches + South Florida and learning about local wildlife + nature. We’ll also sprinkle in some relevant posts and shout-outs from our business and non-profit partners. And share some of the day-to-day stuff that comes with starting and owning your own small business - the good, bad, ugly and occasionally downright scary too. Keep an eye on our Facebook page @aquaadventuretours and the Aqua Adventure Tours website www.aquaadventuretours.com for future posts. And thanks for joining us!